About: admin
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Avoid springtime dangers to your pets
Each change of season presents safety hazards for your companion animals, and spring is no exception. In fact, the beautiful weather you and your pet enjoy after the cold winter months and before the heat of summer can cause you to throw caution to the wind as you race outdoors to soak up the sun […]
Your Dog’s Primal Need to Be Walked
Your Dog’s Primal Need to Be Walked Walking your dog each day is Canine Care 101. A walk provides your pooch with exercise and, of course, a potty break. But there’s another reason why that daily stroll is so important—and it has to do with instinct. Just as fish need to swim and birds need […]
What OCD-like Behavior Looks Like in Pets
Many people enjoy watching YouTube videos of dogs and cats chasing their tails and laughing at how silly they look. However, what many people may not realize is that sometimes those silly videos are actually showing pets with potential behavioral disorders. The pets in the videos may be engaging in compulsive (repetitive) behavior without what appears to be a […]
How Smart Is Your Dog? Top 10 List.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu nisi ac mi malesuada vestibulum. Phasellus tempor nunc eleifend cursus molestie. Mauris lectus arcu, pellentesque at sodales sit amet, condimentum id nunc. Donec ornare mattis suscipit. Praesent fermentum accumsan vulputate. Sed velit nulla, sagittis non erat id, dictum vestibulum ligula.
Do Smart Dogs Make Better Pets?
You might think a smart dog will do what you want it to do. Not necessarily. “Smart doesn’t mean easy,” Coren says. “A Doberman is going to get bored and destroy your sofa and vase collection if you’re out of the house for 8 to 10 hours a day, while an English bulldog may take […]
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